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Aldanah Photography


Hello and welcome to my site. 
My name is Dana Al-Gharabally and I am a Peterborough based Food Photographer and Mixed Media Artist.

Photography has been a passion of mine from a young age and I hope I can share this with you. My aim with Aldanah Photography is always to create beautiful food images good enough to make your mouth water. 

I was invited by a good friend of mine to photograph the recipes for her cookbook “Parveen The Spice Queen” which was published in November 2016. I loved the whole process so much that I have since decided to specialise in the area of Food Photography. 

In December 2019 I attended Le Cordon Bleu course on Food Photography and Styling which was amazing. 

I would love to work with chefs, restaurateurs and food bloggers who want great professional photos to promote themselves and more importantly their food in the best possible way. If that’s you please get in tough and we can talk food, plates, photos and get creative together. 

I have recently got back into art after a long break due to focusing on my Photography Business.

In the last two years I have fallen in love with painting again.  

My inspiration can come from absolutely anything.  I work in acrylics, collage and inks on canvas, mixed media paper and birchwood ply boards.  I work predominantly intuitively as I just love to see where the journey takes me. If you would like a closer look at what I paint please take a look at my Gallery labeled My Artwork.

